Full Uncut Tutorials
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Brand new tutorials added monthly.
Learn how to transform a complex storefront into a minimalist monochrome sketch. This tutorial guides you step-by-step through using loose lines and hatching techniques to simplify the scene and create stunning artwork. Explore how to sketch the foreground, mid-ground, and background, and finish with precise diagonal hatching to add depth and shadow.
Perfect for beginners looking to build confidence and elevate their sketching skills!
This uncut tutorial covers the following: supplies, creating a story from your scene, drafting your composition, how to outline the sketch, and how to use hatching to tell a story.
This uncut tutorial covers the following: supplies, creating a story from your scene, drafting your composition, how to outline the sketch, how to add colour, and tips for stable and precise linework.
This uncut tutorial covers the following: supplies, creating a story from your scene, drafting your composition, how to outline the sketch, how to add colour, and tips for stable and precise linework.